Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Train your dog to stay

Use a different tone of voice for the stay command. Make the pup to sit at your side and put your right hand directly in front of his face with your palm facing the pup. Say 'stay' while quickly moving around to stand in front of the puppy. Keep a firm grip on the choke chain in case your pup would rather go than stay. If he gets up say 'No, sit, stay', while putting him back in position for five to ten seconds.

Stand in front of him for a few seconds and return to his side. Gradually increase the time you require the pup to 'stay' when he is 'staying' constantly without physical help from you, start to increase your distance from the pup. Continue to use hand signal along with the verbal command. Repeat and give your put ample time to learn thoroughly. Praise and reward every successful action. These basic commands will keep the pup more reliable and friendly.

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